
Nilgiri Wood Pigeon

Nilgiri wood pigeon is an endemic to the hill-ranges of the Western Ghats, south-west India, occurring from north-west Maharashtra south, through Karnataka and Goa, to southern Kerala and western Tamil Nadu. It was once considered common and widespread, but has undergone a major decline, which is thought to be continuing owing to on-going forest loss. Most recent records come from Kerala and Tamil Nadu, where it still appears to be locally common.Current IUCN Red List category is Vulnerable

Japanese Wood Pigeon

Japanese Wood Pigeon is an uncommon and local resident in Japan, on small islands off southern Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu, south through the Nansei Shoto islands to the Yaeyama Islands and the Izu Islands to the Ogasawara and Iwo Islands . It occurs locally on small islands off the south coast of South Korea, and it has been recorded  in eastern Russia, Shandong, mainland China and Taiwan . Although it is still relatively common on the Izu Islands, it has apparently declined there since the 1950s, and it is thought to have declined on Okinawa during the 1980s because of forestry activities.

Blue headed Quail Dove

The Blue-headed Quail-dove is an endemic terrestrial dove found on the island of Cuba. It is a resident non-migratory species considered to be endangered by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN 2010)

It is a ground dwelling species mainly found on the ground walking through its evergreen and semi-deciduous forest habitat foraging for fruits and arthropods. If not on the ground it will occasionally be found on low perches calling for its mate or will fly up a short distance to flee a predator.Breeding pairs are socially monogamous and defend territories during the breeding season. Nests are usually located on tree trunks and made of loosely placed twigs lined with freshly fallen leaves.

Mindoro Bleeding-heart

The Mindoro bleeding-heart is a type of ground dove native to Mindoro, Philippines,the last confirmed sighting of the Mindoro bleeding-heart in the wild was in 1997.The bird has an extremely small, severely fragmented population which is undergoing a continuing decline owing to lowland forest destruction, combined with hunting and trade.

This medium-sized ground dove is named for the small, yet distinct, orange patch on its whitish breast, although this looks less like a ‘bleeding-heart’ , which have a blood-red patch. Little is known about the Mindoro bleeding-heart. It spends most of its life on the forest floor, concealing itself in dense vegetation, and is therefore very difficult to observe. Its diet is not fully known, but it has been seen feeding at a fruiting fig tree. The nest of the Mindoro bleeding-heart is made of sticks and leaves, lined with fine rootlets and tendrils and situated in a tree or shrub, one or two meters above the ground

Silvery Pigeon

This is 5th blog in the series of wild pigeons, today i have selected a pigeon which was extinct and rediscovered in 2008 . Silvery Pigeon a species of pigeon found in Indonesia and Malaysia .It was thought to be extinct but wild populations were rediscovered in 2008 near Masokut island, this is the first confirmed reports since 1931,However, it is listed as Critically Endangered because it is assumed to have a tiny population

Photo by James Eaton
It lives in mangrove forests and other woodlands in the low-lying offshore islands and adjacent coastal regions. Its plumage is pale silvery grey, with black remiges (or flight feathers) and ends of the tail feathers.Deforestation, especially removal of mangrove forests is the main threat to this bird

Wompoo Fruit Dove

The impressive Wompoo Fruit Dove is the largest of its family , native to New Guinea and Australia.In addition to its size, its yellow wing markings and long tail also help to make it prominent.The head of this fruit dove is grey, the bill red and yellow vent. The sexes look similar,but juveniles have a duller plumage compared to the adults.

Like the other fruit doves,it feeds on fruit-bearing trees,such as figs.The Wompoo Fruit Dove can eat large fruit whole,and is also able to collect fruit by acrobatically springing forward from trees and vines. The nest of twigs,a sturdy construction placed on leafy branches,is built by both the male and female . A single white egg is laid,and the parents share the incubation and care of the chick. if the chick dies, the dove usually have time to try to breed again.Eight different subspecies are recognized,the largest birds being in the south of its range and lowland New Guinea

Topknot Pigeon

This large Australian pigeon has an unusual crest of elongated feathers on its forecrown. This  crest bulges out and then sweeps back over the crown,blending into a second crest of rufous and black feathers that hangs over the nape.Otherwise, it is mainly grey,but has narrow silver-grey band on its slaty-black tail.

Pink Pigeon

Its an endangered species of pigeon , Once brought to the brink of extinction by deforestation , the population of the pink pigeon has recovered in resent years due to dedicated conservation efforts.Thanks to Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust , Mauritian Wildlife Foundation  for saving this beautiful bird from extinction

This large pigeon has white face and forehead,a strong bill with a hooked top,and brown wings.It has a soft pink body,but the female and juvenile are duller pink than the male. Its only found in the native forest on the islands of Mauritius

White Crowned Pigeon

The adult is dark grey, with green iridescent lines along sides of neck and white bars on the nape, a brilliant white forehead and crown to the head, a white iris, and a pale-tipped red bill. Females are similar to the male but the crown of the females are a duller grey greyish-white colour. Juveniles are a less dark shade of grey, lack the nape pattern and white iris, and show only a few pale feathers on the crown.

Nests on mangrove islands and islets free from raccoon and human disturbance. A fruit eater, this species forages in tropical hardwood hammocks on poison-wood and other native fruit-bearing trees.

Pigeon Pox

Pigeon pox is caused by a virus that is spread by mosquitoes and dirty water but not in droppings. Pox viruses are specific to the animal.Pigeons can develop chicken pox although in a milder form.An infected pigeon is not infectious to humans.

The pigeon pox virus attacks the skin and mucous membrane cells about 4 to 14 days after exposure.There is an internal and an external form of pox.The mucous membrane form can be indistinguishable from canker like, evil smelling deposit in the beak and throat cavities.In the internal form an infected pigeon will have crusty lesions on its unfeathered skin,nostrils and ceres, especially around the eyes around the beak on the feet and around the anus.It is possible for a pigeon to have both forms of the disease at the same time.

Pigeon pox spreads via saliva droplets from the nose and mouth and can be picked up with food. The virus can be present in dust that when inhaled infects the bird.You must try to keep mosquitoes out of the loft.The virus can also enter the bloodstream via a wound from a minor squabble

Once in the blood, the virus quickly infects the liver and bone marrow,reinfecting the blood.The pox organisms then migrate to the skin and mucous membranes, forming lesions that are breeding grounds for many bacteria.

Except to monitor the pox lesions. in general,the infection should be left to its natural process.Lesions around the eyes and in the mouth may interfere with seeing and eating and required medical attention,but they should dry up and disappear in a few days.

There are vaccines for pox that work with varying degrees of efficiency , These vaccines are not available in India as treatment i have used the Pox cream from DAC which is found very effective , I also apply a paste of  Neem oil, Salt and turmeric powder  in the lesions


Coccidiosis is a species specific parasite,and every animal including man carries a form of it,although not at levels that interface with activity or digestion. In pigeon ,coccidiosis is an intestinal disease caused by a single-celled protozoan parasite,usually Eimeria labbeana or E. columbarum. The life cycle of the parasite is quite complicated,but basically,when it infects in large numbers, it destroys the cell in the intestinal walls,each time releasing more protozoa into the intestine, infecting the semi digested food, and attacking new cells,Seriously infected pigeons rapidly lose weight and their droppings  become watery

Importance of Vitamins for pigeons

Hi Friends,

Today iam writing about the importance of each vitamins in keeping our pigeons healthy

Actively racing birds, birds under stress or birds in impaired health,however, may develop a deficiency. Signs of this include weak muscles,swollen eyelids, thin-shelled eggs, and others.Supplements come with some cautions however.First, identifying only pigeons that really need supplements can be almost impossible. Second,by giving synthetic vitamins,pigeons do not produce their own naturally,so the synthetic ones are used and the natural ones are passed out with the body wastes,bypassing normal body function.


Salmonella typhimurium is rod-like enterobacterium causes paratyphoid in pigeons,but it is not considered a treat to human health .Salmonella causes many fatalities in young pigeons even before the babies are out of the nest or the eggshell.Salmonella bacteria also cause diarrhea,problems with the joints, and nervous problems.

Certain old pigeons can be asymptomatic carriers (called the carrier state ), constantly endangering the whole pigeon flock on a recurring basis. certain new generation antibiotics are said to kill this carrier state.Salmonella bacteria are passed through the air, in the droppings of infected birds, via the crop milk,in the saliva,or in infected eggs as they are being laid.salmonella organisms can enter egg within two days.washing egg does not help to stop salmonella.There are four forms of the disease,which can infect the bird at the same time

The intestinal form enters the walls of the intestine, resulting in diarrhoea with foul smelling, soupy,green or brown droppings surrounded by slime and containing undigested food particles.A green colour in the droppings can also indicate an advanced worm infection in the liver

In the joint form the bacteria enter the bloodstream and infect the joints,resulting in excess production of synovial fluid, which causes intense swelling. The "ball" in the foot, or a lump in a joint or on the wing at the elbow are very common symptoms. The pigeon hobbles or a wing hangs, or it "favors" a limb and does not use it in an attempt to relieve the intense pain.

The organ form occurs after the bacteria move from the bloodstream to infect the liver kidneys,pancreas,heart and so on.The sick bird moped in a corner of the loft, and becomes inactive , short of breath,and near sighted

In the nerve form the bacteria infect the nerves and spinal column,spreading along the sinews,causing imbalance and crippling.Twisting the neck,fouling the cloaca, and cramp like contractions of the toes are typical symptoms.A pigeon may recover from this stage,ultimately but it probably will never go on to fly or breed

Vaccinating the birds every year is the best method to prevent it . Chevivac-S is the vaccine available from chevita for Salmonella


The loft and birds must be treated at the same time .A probiotic should be given to restore the acidic balance in the intestine . The loft and everything in it must be thoroughly cleaned and sprayed with a disinfectant pr the disease process will repeat itself

Medicines available for treating 

1: Enrofloxacine 10%     dosage 1 to 2 ml per litter of water
2:Trimethoprim Sulfa     dosage 5 grams to 20 kg body weight
3:Furaltadone 6%     dosage 5 grams per liter of drinking water (= 20 to 25 pigeons)

Enrofloxacine is available in India  sold under the names Enflocin / Enrocin/ Meriquin/QuinRocin and outside india under the name Baytril

For more details on the medicine and treatment plan please visit the below links

Useful  Links

Trichomoniasis ( Canker )

Trichomonas also called pigeon diphtheria, is caused by Trichomonas columbae,a single-celled flagellated protozoan parasite.Many older birds are asymptomatic carriers of the disease,but juveniles that get the disease via the crop milk usually die. Most pigeons live with canker at sub-clinical levels, and this is not considered dangerous.

Symptoms include yellow, cheesy,button-like lesions on the cells in the mouth, esophagus, and crop.Infected pigeons become lethargic sit with feathers fluffed up, and have serious digestive problems, including diarrhea.They quickly lose weight and drink profusely

There are oral,navel, and organ forms of disease , which can appear 4 to 14 days from infection. In the oral form the yellow, cheesy lesions may invade the wind pipe and crop causing the bird to gape, and creating difficulty with breathing,eating and potentially with drinking . The navel form appears as a cheese-like crumbly swelling under the skin around the navel and develops when canker laden crop milk falls into the nest bowl, infecting the babies unhealed umbilicus  in the organ form the previous forms can infect various internal organs leaving visible lesions 

Treatment:Clean the throat with a pigeon feather and give Flagyl-25 mg (powdered) to the infected pigeon.Other medicines are also available for treating canker refer the below link to know more information

DOSAGE: 25 mg for 3 days depending on the degree of the illness. If it is a severe case, dosage is to be increased but it should not exceed 100 mg in any case

Usefull Links
Chevita - treatment plan for canker

Sherajee / Lahore pigeon

Sherajee, so named in Bengal, but called Sherazie in Northern India, is a favourite pigeon throughout India .The name is, no doubt, derived from the city of Sheraz, in Persia, where it might possiby have originated. It’s also called Lahore pigeon 

The head and beak of the Sherajee are of the common type, the latter neither short, nor long and thin; and birds of good colour always have a reddish tinge on the eye ceres, beak wattles, and the edges of the mouth. The irides are dark hazel colour, the head is unhooded, and the legs and feet are feathered. Long toe feathers, spreading out on each side, are much admired. The marking of the Sherajee is peculiar to itself, nothing similar to it being found in any other variety that I know of. The upper mandible is coloured, except with those colours that are generally accompanied by a, flesh coloured beak; and the marking, commencing at the beak wattle, runs over the head and down the back of the neck, till it meets the back and wings. Looked at in profile, the marking should show a clean division down the side of the neck ; from behind, the neck appears all coloured, and from before, all white. The back, wings, and flight feathers are also coloured, the rest of the plumage being pure white.

An another breed seen only in India is the clean leg Sherajee . Smaller than Sherajee with same marking, but without muffs.

Clean Leg Sherajee / Lahore

Sherajee / Lahore Standard

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Mookee Pigeon

This is another Indian pigeon, of pure and distinct race; it’s a pigeon having the tremulous shaking neck of the Fantail, and a close, narrow tail, with the normal number of twelve feathers. The Mookee is a good breeder and feeder. It is a long lived pigeon

The head of the Mookee is flat, showing no stop, and its beak rather longer than that of a common flying Tumbler; it is also generally peak-headed. The irides are dark hazel in colour. The upper mandible is white, and the lower follows the plumage. The whole head is white above a line running across the eyes. The two longest flight feathers should be white, and all the rest of the bird coloured. The head often comes foul or unequally cut, and the flights often foul. Three, or even four a side, are better than unequal flights, but two a side are considered the standard. The curious thing about the Mookee is the tremulous shaking of the neck, which is never absent, and which is most constant when the bird is salacious. It is singular to see the cock driving the hen to nest ; his head and neck shake continually backward and forward, but he never loses his balance. The tail is carried horizontally and close, as in most pigeons.

In India the birds without white flight feathers are regard as perfect standard