
Dragoon Pigeon

The Standard

Head : The skull should be fairly massive and deep in proportion to the size of the bird, and in profile should rise gradually from the base of the wattle, forming a gentle and unbroken curve to the back of the head, thence descending to the neck without angularity or lumpiness; the distance from the center of the eye to the back of the skull being horizontally 7/8 of an inch. The top view should be wedge-shaped and broad, yet proportionate to the substance and length of the beak, well filled behind the wattle, and slightly convex from eye to eye. 

Beak : Both mandibles stout, straight, of proportionate width and of equal substance, close-fitting, smooth, terminating as bluntly as possible, set horizontally and measuring from its tip to the center of the eye about 1 5/8 of an inch; thus making the entire length from the tip of the beak to the back of the skull about 2 1/2 inches. The under mandible as free as possible from "jawing", i.e. growth of wattle. 

Wattle :"Peg" shaped, i.e. broad, perpendicular and highest at the back, narrowing with equal sides and in young birds, with longitudinal furrows towards the termination of the upper mandible and merging almost imperceptibly therewith. With age, the wattle, while still retaining its peg shape, should develop into a compact formation, wrinkled in general appearance, but fine in texture. It should be fairly large, yet proportionate to the size of the head. 

Cere : Small, hard, finely laced, the inner edge circular, the outer nearly so, but with a slightly "pinched" appearance at the back. It should not extend above the top of the skull, nor crowd the wattle. In the Adult, three circles should be clearly distinguishable in the upper part of the cere, and two in the lower. 

Eye : Large and Prominent.

Neck : Of medium length and thickness, entirely free from gullet, and widening boldly from head to body. 

Breast: Broad and full. Keel straight.  

Wings : Powerful, the flights short and broad, resting upon the tail. The shoulders thick, muscular and prominent, but not standing out from the body conspicuously. 

Tail : Running in a line with the back, close fitting, carried clear of the ground, somewhat short in proportion to the size of the bird, and extending about 5/8 of an inch beyond the extremity of the flights.  

Legs: Short and well set back. The thighs stout and muscular.  

Length of Bird :Measuring from the point of the beak to the extremity of the tail, about 15 inches when outstretched. 

Carriage :Erect and Bold. 

General Characteristics :Medium in size, and excessive in no property. Hard and very close feathered. Alert and watchful.  

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