
Old German Cropper ( Altdeutsche Kröpfer )

This ancient breed originated in Germany and Hungary.A large breed; with a well developed globe; extremely long with its wings extending past the end of its tail; standing with the front part of its body semi erect and the rear part of the body close and parallel to the ground; the back line forms a gentle sloping arc.

Breed Characteristics

Head : Relatively long with a high forehead.

Eyes and Ceres : Orange eyes in all colors but white; white has bull eye; eye ceres fine.

Beak and Wattles : Long strong beak; relatively small smooth wattles.

Globe : Huge; evenly inflated; oval to round in shape, however the rounded shape is preferred; globe to come from the chest without showing waist.

Body Style and Station : The Old German stands with the front part of its body raised in a semi erect station, and the rear part of its body is carried close and parallel to the ground. The bird is to have a strong body, however, the illusion of great size is caused more by its profuse loose feathering than by actual body weight mass.

Back : Strong, wide, and long; the back line forms a gentle sloping arc.

Wings : Very long and extending past the tail; wings should rest on the tail; flight feathers should be well folded and closed and not show any "sail" like effect or finger like separations; flights must be held wide apart and never cross or touch at their ends.

Tail : Long and fairly wide without tapering.

Legs : Long, strong feathering; profuse; creating a neat appearance while not being too tight.

Feather and Quality : Long, strong feathering; profuse; creating a neat appearance while not being too tight.

Color : Self in white, black, red, yellow, mealy, cream, lark, blue and silver in bar, barless, and checkered; self colored also exists with white flights, which should number the same on both sides; splashed in light or dark pattern depending on the predominace of white or colored feathers; tiger must have solid colored primary flight feathers and a solid colored tail with white sprinkled on the rest of the body; dapple to have white feathers sprinkled only on the head and neck with the rest of the body colored. All colors should be rich, intense and clean.

Old German cropper, Altdeutsche Kröpfer,Boulant Allemand Ancien,Vecchio gozzuto tedesco,Oud-Duitse kropper

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