
English Long-Faced Muffed Tumbler

One of the very oldest flying breeds.For centuries fanciers had performing kits of Tumblers and in the Birmingham area the muffed birds were developed by careful selection and breeding. Muffs were possible introduced by crossing the Dutch Tumbler referred to by Major in 1765.

Head :As large as possible but in proportion to the size of the body. Round in profile, raising acutely off the wattle and continuing perfectly round to the back of the crown, then merging imperceptibly with the neck. The highest point of the head is to directly over the eye. Face to be full at the cheeks and between the eyes and mouth opening, thus giving a broad appearance from the front

Eye :Bold and centrally placed between the frontal, top and back skull. Iris pearl white, pupil black as small as possible.

Eye cere : Small thread like, of fine texture. Closely feathered and well rounded, the same colour as the beak. In the case of Beards, the same colour as the upper mandible

Beak: Close fitting mandibles, wide at the base and thick in profile, giving a blunt effect and not coming to a sharp point. Both mandibles of equal thickness. Beak length from bird’s frontal to  tip to be approximately the same as its width at the base when viewed from above. The beak to be straight set i.e. parallel to the ground with the eye directly above the ball of the foot. If the line between the mandibles was extended, it would pass through the cere at the bottom of the eye

Wattle :Small, neat, fine in texture and white in colour. Close fitting so as to appear an integral part of the beak, rather than set upon it

Body : Short, cobby and wedge shaped. Chest broad, deep and well rounded, carried well forward. The general appearance is one of cobbiness and rounded contour from all points of view. A bird with a medium sized body is required.

Carriage :Sprightly, bold and jaunty. Eye carried directly over the ball of the foot and the beak held horizontally to give proper outlook.

Neck : Of medium length, slightly arched, broad at the shoulders, tapering gradually  to the throat.

Flights and Tail : Flights tightly folded. Broad, short coverts closing neatly over rump. Tail  short, closely folded and tapering slightly, allowing the flights to almost meet half an inch from the end of the tail. There should be twelve main tail flights.

Muffs :Profuse,the outer edge of each muff forming a half circle and meeting the hocks without a break.

Hocks :Profusely feathered, the points just clear of the ground.

Legs :Stout and set well apart. Of medium length.

Colour and Condition : Rich, sound and lustrous throughout. Of even shade, well extended into the roots of the quills. Full plumage and perfect physical condition is required.
Selfs: White Red Yellow Black Dun Andalusian
Barred: Blue Silver Mealy Cream.
Almond, Chequers, Grizzle and Teager (60% colour and 40% white).
Markings: Tigered(60% colour and 40% white in a random mottle type pattern, not large patches)
Saddle – Badge – Whiteside –Mottle – Rosewing – Baldhead – Beard.

Faults: All birds must wear seamless rings, preferably above the hock. Observable trimmings, dyeing, oiling, or in any way improving by artificial means must be penalised. All “faking” is subject to disqualification by the judge. Stained beaks are a serious defect and should be penalised. An unhealthy, diseased pigeon has no place in the showroom.

English Long-Faced Muffed Tumbler, Englischer Longfaced Tümmler,Culbutant Anglais à longue face,Capitombolante inglese a faccia lunga, Engelse Langvoorhoofd Tuimelaar,


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Dear Sirs,
    I wonder, is the white side color in long face tumbler an original color or it can be obtained by mating certain colors to each others ? if it can be obtained , which colors should I mate to get the white side color ?
    Thanks a lot.

  3. Hi,
    Is there any answer to my question?

  4. Are there exhibitions and auctions and thank you

  5. "Whiteside" is a pattern--not a color--once the pattern is set it can be put on any color. The pattern itself is VERY difficult to set--history has shown that most patterns tend to set quicker on "dilute" colored birds--(yellow self crossed onto any color bird with the whiteside pattern [or vise versa] SHOULD yield the pattern quicker

  6. Where to buy good quality?
