Seeds taken in by pigeon pass from the esophagus into the buccal cavity, which consists of a hard and a soft part, and where saliva is added. Saliva contains enzymes that begin digestion by breaking down carbohydrates. Next, the grain moves into the crop, a widening of the esophagus, where it is softened in water the bird has drunk. Food is slowly fed in small quantities into the proventriculus, or glandular stomach, which releases the enzyme pepsin and hydrochloric acid acts as an antiseptic defense against any fungal or bacterial organisms taken up with the food, and dissolves the calcium salts in feed
Role of Proteins in Pigeons
Cells in the pigeon's body are made up mainly of proteins, die off regularly, and must be replenished. Proteins are built up from combination of three or more amino acids,There are about 24 different kind of amino acids, There are about 24 different kinds of amino acids,but they are not all contained in a single protein.Three or more combinations of amino acids are contained in various legumes,cereals and seeds. For example, a garden pea contains an amino acid combinations of 1,8 and 17, and wheat a combination of 6,10 and 21.A large amount of protein is obtained from legumes about 16-2 percent, and from cereals about 11 percent Because the amino acid compositions are different in the various legumes and cereals, a mix must be provided to ensure a balanced diet. Proteins fulfill several important functions: