
Berlin Long Face Tumbler ( Berliner Lange )

Origin: Germany, in and around Berlin and surroundings in the 19th Century.

Total Impression: Stately and full of temperament, tender and slender with good proportion of all body parts. High standing, almost horizontal carried body with vertical carried neck and horizontal head and beak carriage.

Breed Characteristics:

Head: Extremely narrow, protracted quite long to the front, forming a wedge if looked at from above, without dip or strong pinch in profile the upper headline forms with the beakridge a straight line, which at the back part of the head progresses at a right angle into the neckline. In spite of its length the head is not allowed to appear clumsy and has to be proportional to the fine limbed body.

Eyes: Moderately large with small pupil and completely light, almost white iris, if possible without blood vessels. Cere delicately developed to accommodate the coloring of the plumage. Pale in reds and yellow.

Beak: Straight, long, and thin carried horizontally coming to a point at the end without overlapping the upper beak. Flat lying wattle. Color of beak dark in blue and black, light horn colored in pearly and dun, light wax colored in red and yellow.

Neck: Long, thin, and straight carried perpendicular, deeply grooved.

Chest: Small, not protruding. Paunch underdeveloped and a little drawn.

Back: Flat, only a little sloped, also small in the shoulders.

Wings: Tightly carried on the body, shoulder protruding without being covered by the feathem of the chest. Wings tightly carried on the tail without crossing.

Tail: Tight; carried practically horizontal, extending beyond the wing tips by at least the width of a thumb.

Legs: Long and fine-boned, narrowly placed with long thighs and tightly covered to the toes with thin feathering. Hocks slightly pressed backwards and to the center without touching. Toes well spread.

Plumage: Well developed and tight.

Color Classes: Magpied in: blue, pearl, dun, black, red, and yellow. Out of every color you will get solid colored birds with white wing feathers (flights), with pearl eyes and whites with dark eyes, pale cere and light wax colored beak. Even so, they are intermediate products and are exhibited and judged in their own class.

Color and Markings: The blue color possibly dark-steel-blue not slate or ink colored. The pearl color in lightest tone (zinc colored). The duns soft cream colored, coming close to ivory. The black intense with green luster. Red and yellow saturated. Magpie marked with white heart shaped spot about in the center between chest and throat; or without spot (full colored). The heart is desired small, but every size is permissible if it is closed. The colored shoulder heat evenly formed is not allowed to overlap the wings. The lower part of the back is white. Tail with body color cleaned colored, not reedy or oval ornamented. Pertaining to whites and to solid colored birds with white wing feathers (flights), there are exceptionally strict demands pertaining to the characteristics of the breed. The latter must have seven to nine white flights and show white feathering of the lower legs to the toes.

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