
Komorner Tumbler

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The Breed originated in between 18 - 19th century in the city Komarno in Austria . Its ancestors were imported by Ottoman Turks from eastern parts of the Ottoman Empire.The breed has American and European varieties that are recognized as separate breeds at shows with classes catering for American Komorner Tumbler and European Komorner Tumblers. Originally breed for acrobatic flying as tumbler pigeon.Komorner are seldom free-flown today and exist only for exhibition in pigeon show . Komorner are small, slim pigeons much more compact and delicate than the Racing Homer. The bird typically sports a magpied pattern with colors in black, blue, red,silver, yellow and dun.They are also breed in solid colors.The head is adorned with a crest extending from ear to ear and terminating in rosettes. The Komorner is another fancy breed where look is every thing

Komorner Tumbler Standard 

CREST (15 pts.): Shell broad and full, setting high on the crown and reaching from ear to ear, fully feathered without breaks, even on top. Rosettes to be in proportion and as large as possible.

HEAD (10 pts.): As large as possible proportionate to the size of body, rising with a full round sweep from beak wattle to top of skull Frontal broad and well filled in

BEAK (5 pts.): Flesh color, close fitting mandibles. beak short rather than long, wattle small, close fitting and fine in texture. The beak should be compatible with the desired fullness of the face. The beak should be stout rather than thin.
EYE AND EYE CERE (5 pts.): Eyes shall be bull and have a bright and healthy appearance. Eye cere to be red or orange color, shall be small and threadlike, and of fine texture, surrounding feathers to lie close to the cere. The red or orange cere will be placed over the pale or white eye cere if the birds are of equal quality.

COLOR (15 pts.): Rich, sound and lustrous throughout and of even shade.

MARKINGS (20 pts.): Marked like the wild Magpie with a white head, coloring to start at the base of the crest and crest feathers to be colored. Under the beak there should be a small white chuck or beard. The coloring of the neck should reach up and touch the bottom of the eye. The line of demarcation starting at the front of the eye and not farther back than the middle of the eye, showing a perfect three quarter circle under the beak. The rump and wings should be white. An even white band around the body separates the colored tail. The breast should be colored down almost to the legs.

STATION (10 pts.): The Komorner should carry itself in an upright, bold and jaunty manner. The Komorner should be sprightly in manner with peppy, active personality. When on show, should give the viewer a zestful impression of a bird with vigor and enthusiasm. Should stand on toes in a perky fashion.

BODY (10 pts.): Stout, short and wedge--shaped. Breast broad, deep and well rounded. The general appearance is one of cobbiness. To the feel, body should suggest good muscular tone and firmness.

NECK (2 pts.): Broad at base, of medium length, and tapered at throat. Should be fairly stout at the shoulders. Viewed from the side, it should arch slightly. It should curve into the back in a graceful line showing no breaks in the crest. The mane of the crest should extend gradually down the back of the neck to the point where it joins the body.

WINGS AND TAIL (5 pts.): Flight feathers closely set, broad in web and carried so that the tops almost meet over and about Y`" from the end of the tail. Tail should be short, closely folded and slightly tapered. Tail should be tightly packed and ending in not over 1 1/2 to 2 feathers width. Wing butts should blend in smoothly with the body.

LEGS AND FEET (3 pts.): Legs strong and straight set. Medium to short in length, set well apart, free of feathers. Feet and legs should be bright red in color. The Komorner should stand very straight on legs and lift feet high when walking

CONDITION (10 pts.): Not to affect the original 100 points. The Komorner should be in good feather, should be tight of feather, having lots of luster, being very peppy and proud, strong and healthy. Giving you the idea that he is proud to be a Komorner Tumbler, has a nice home and is well cared for. Acting like he enjoys having people look at him and knows that he is a rare beauty. 

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