
Chinese Owl ( Chinesentaube )

Head : Arched from back of the beak, forming a smooth profile. Width equally proportioned. Should be bold in appearance.

Eye and Cere : Alert and clear. Bull in white; red or red-orange in coloured birds. Any colour in pied or ACO, except split, cracked or one of each colour not permissible. Eye cere fine and smooth, following the contour of the eye. Dark colour in black, blue, and checked. Light shade in other colours, but flesh in white.

Neck and Gullet: Neck short, rather thick at shoulder tapering to back of head, forming smooth profile. Gullet well developed, commencing at tip of the lower mandible and terminating at the top of the breast frill.

Beak : Dainty, yet large enough to distinguish it from the African Owl. Color for blacks, blues, and blue checkers is black; for silvers, silver duns, duns, and silver checks is light horn; for reds, yellows, and whites colour is flesh.

Wattle : Fine in texture, neat and heart-shaped.

Neck Frill : A smooth and even collar of reversed feathers fitting loosely in relation to the neck, breaking behind the head in a vertical line leaving no less than a quarter inch gap on the back of the head. Should be as high as the lower part of the eye cere.

Breast Frill : A profuse display of reversed feathers completely covering the breast. There should be a horizontal part in the centre of the breast, directing feathers up to the neck frill and down towards the pantaloons. Breast frill should cover fore-part of wing down to pantaloons, including the wing butts. Should be evenly proportioned on both sides.

Pantaloons : Two large distinct puffs of fine feathers protruding from the lower breast in front of the legs.

Carriage: Bold, alert, and upright, the eye is a perpendicular line above the toe of the foot; the breast thrown out prominently; balance in length, height, and width, with all these qualities giving the bird grace in composition, movement, and expression. Cocks should measure about ten inches from beak to tip of tail, eight inches from floor to crown of head. Cocks should weigh ten ounces. Hens should weigh eight ounces.

Flights and tails : Wing feathers should be smooth and the flights should be tight, resting on the tail, with tips nearly meeting. Secondary feathers are to be smooth over the back. The tail should be fairly narrow and carried just clear of the floor. More or less than twelve feathers, even though they have the two outside feathers, shall be penalized in points.

Legs and Feet : Legs short, but long enough to give grace to the carriage. Be free of feathers below the hock. Feet should be rather small and neat. Toes well spread apart. The colour bright red.

Colour : All colours should be sound, clear, and even, including rump, thigh, and belly.

Chinese Owl, Chinesentaube,Cravaté  Chinois,Cravattato Cinese,Chinese Duif

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