
African Owl ( Einfarbiges Mövchen )

The African Owl is a breed of fancy pigeon developed over many years of selective breeding. They originated in Tunisia, and were imported into England during the 19th century. The breed is known for its short beak, which gives the breed the "Owl" name due to the size and shape..



Head – 20 Points: Proportionately large, massive, round in shape, side view circular with eye in the center. Front view presenting a high crown, circular from eye to eye, full between the eye and beak; cheeks well rounded, and full in appearance; wide in the gape or “frog-mouthed.”

Beak, Beak Setting And Beak Substance – 16 Points: Short and thick beak, the upper mandible continuing the circular sweep of the head, both side and front view; the upper and lower mandibles of equal substance, meeting and fitting in a straight line which continued backward should pass a little below the center of the eye; blunt at the tip. Color for Blacks and Blues, Black; for Duns, Silvers, Browns and Khakis, light horn color; for Reds, Yellows and Whites, flesh color. Beak wattles should be fine in texture, small in size and covered with a white powdery bloom; it should not rise out of the curve of the head, but form part of the curve. Viewed from the front, the wattles should be of a flattened heart shape.

Eye and Eye Cere – 10  Points : Eyes should be large, alert and bold; color for all colored birds, currant red; except Pieds which may be either bull or gravel; Whites, bull or claret; eye set in the center of the side of the head. Eye cere should be fine and neat in texture, circular in shape. Color for the Blacks and Blues, dark; all other colored birds of a lighter shade; Whites, powdered white in color. A red or pink eye cere is very objectionable.

Gullet – 4 Points : Wide from the side view, thin from front line, filling in the hollow space at the throat, starting near the tip of the lower mandible and terminating in the frill.

Neck – 4 Points : Rather short, thick at the shoulders and tapering gradually to its’ smallest diameter under the cheek or jowl; clean cut out at the throat, giving prominence to the gullet and cheeks; the back part joining the curve of the back skull in an unbroken, graceful curve.

Frill – 6 Points : As ample and well developed as possible, running well down the center of the breast.

Flights And Tail – 6 Points : Short and hard, folding compactly; flights resting on the tail, with tips nearly meeting. Tail carried just clear of the floor.

Legs And Feet – 4 Points : Legs strong and short, but long enough to give grace to the carriage, free from feathering below the hock. Feet rather small and neat; toes well spread apart, color bright red. Toenails on Blacks and Blues will be black. All others light.

Size And Shape – 10 Points : Size should be about eight inches from the front of the breast to tip of the tail and eight inches from floor to crown. Shape should be compact, giving the impression of hardness and vigor; breast short, full, broad and muscular, tapering to a wedge shape toward the tip of the tail; back short and slightly rounded from shoulder to shoulder.

Carriage – 10 Points : Bold, alert and upright; eye in a perpendicular line above the balls of the feet, the breast thrown out prominently, the neck slightly arched.

Color – 10 Points : All colors should be sound, clear and even, including rump, thigh and belly; the hackle luster should be green. Bars of Blues should be black; Silvers, dark dun or brown; Mealy, deep red; Cream, brilliant yellow. Lavenders should have no bars. Checks should show even and distinct checkering on the wings. 

Standard Colors : White, Black, Dun, Blue, Silver, Red, Yellow, Brown, Khaki, Check, Mealy, Lavender, Cream, Grizzle, Almond and Ash Red.

Disqualifications : 

No frill whatsoever, over-trimming, excessive plucking, coloring of feathers or toenails, or any artificial alteration of structural formation, out of condition from disease, and decided deformity. Trimming of beak and toenails with scissors and file is permissible and is not to be considered objectionable.

1 comment:

  1. Do you sell fertilized eggs for this type of bird ?
