
German Beauty Homer ( Deutsche Schautaube )

The German Beauty Homer was developed in the early 1900's by German fanciers who treasured their birds for physical beauty as opposed to strictly flying ability. A thin-necked, straight-legged bird of medium size and horizontal carriage, the German Beauty's most remarkable characteristic is its massive, almost semi-circular head with straight lower mandible of almost equal substance as the upper beak.

Standard View


Head:Broad above the eye, narrowing gradually wedge like toward the forehead and beak. In profile beak and forehead show a slightly convex line which without interruption passes into the arched head. The back of the head passes into the smooth round line toward the neck. The whole head should have no indication of weakness, or flatness; it should not have a thin face.

Beak: Medium long, harmoniously proportioned, full, blunt, with wedges closely fitting and whose backward extension should pass approximately through the middle of the eyes. Color: Black; however more or less horn colored on light colors and on pure reds; light on white; on splashes and tigered either light or dark according to the base color.

Wattle:Smooth in texture, firm and smoothly resting on the beak, not surpassing the curved line of the head; long, solid, continuous blossom white powdered line, slightly heart shaped and well and evenly divided.

Eye: Large, somewhat protruding, bright with dark red iris. Whites should have dark eyes, splashes and tigered according to the base color either dark or dark red eyes.

Cere: Small fine laced, light gray to "whitish" color.

Throat: Smoothly rounded out, with no suggestion of protruding gullet

Neck: Full set on broad shoulders, of medium length, tapering toward the end into a wedge like form. Powerful, racy and only slightly sloping..

Wings: Strong, the butts prominent, well closed with broad, hard flights, the back smoothly covered and giving the appearance of flight readiness.

Tail: Short and narrow, extending beyond the flights by the width of a thumb.

Legs: Strong, medium long, free from feathers. Half of the hocks should be visable. The feet should be red, toenails the same color as the beak.

Plumage: Well developed, smooth, tight, and hard.

Color & Markings: All colors should be clear, regular, and of good sheen. The ground color should cover the whole body. Checkers and T-patterns should not only show the markings on the wings but also on the back breast, and thighs. Bars should be small throughout, separated on the back and of intense color. Tigered marks either white on dark ground or dark on white ground, should be evenly distributed. Tail and flights must be colored. Splashes as well as tigered birds must have a relatively even color distribution. Birds with only a few white or colored feathers are not considered as tigered or splashes.

Gross Faults: All obvious faults which reduce the impression of a beautiful racing pigeon such as: coarse, rough face, alien head and beak type; all features which disturb the general characteristics of the German Beauty Homer as described above with regard to the following aspects: plumpness, length, heaviness, station, size of wattle and overall size of the bird as well as poor posture; narrow pointed chest;underweight, square head; gullet, open beak,; white, yellow, colorless or broken eyes; two eyes of a different color; red cere; frills or fluffiness; dewlap or paunch; visible white back.

Courtesy : 

Deutsche Schautaube,Pigeons de Beauté Allemand,Viaggiatore Tedesco da Esposizione,Duitse Schoonheidspostduif,الهومر الالماني


  1. Dear Brothers
    I am from Bangladesh. I like your bird very much & I also want to buy your Pigeons. How i can purchase your bird? Here is my phone number 01710565049 & my mail id is k.m.zahidhasan@gmail or, please contact me as soon as possible. i want to purchase lots of bird if you can delivered me.
    With Best Regard
    Md. Zahid Hasan

  2. i would like to get 2 pairs of german beauty homer (import) please email me if theres available ( thanks

  3. I need german Beauty homa pair white and black big size and pure color and marking can i get it
    I am from Bangladesh
    WhatsApp no: +8801927174525
