
Pomeranian Pouter ( Pommersche Kröpfer )

Origin: This pouter variety originated in the Pomerania section of Germany. It is a direct descendant of the Dutch Cropper and was developed by the breeder who favored longer legged pouters with an upright carriage.

Overall Impression: The physical attributes of this breed such as the huge but proportioned globe, the massive body, the long, powerful limbs, the huge muffs, and the upright station of 60 to 80 degrees combine to give this breed the look of pure power. The length of the Pomeranian from the tip of the beak to the end of the tail should be 20 to 24 inches with a corresponding weight of 22 to 30 ounces.

Breed Characteristics

Head : Smooth, long. and rounded.

Beak : Proportional, long, and strong. Flesh colored in whites, yellows, creams, and tail marked birds, all others have dark beaks.

Eyes: Bull in white and predominantly white birds, all other to have orange eyes.

Neck and Globe : The neck should be long and forceful with a slight curve which enables good action. The globe should be powerfully blown and in proportion to the bird's size. The globe should show a slight break where it comes into the body. The head and beak should rest comfortably on top of the globe. The globe should not be carried in a lopsided manner.

Legs : Long and strong but not stilted. They should be approximately 1 ½ to 2 inches apart.

Muffs : The muffs should be large, well rounded, profusely feathered and multi-layered. The feathers should be wide and thickly quilled. The hock feathers should blend into the back of the muffs and add to the full, rounded appearance of the muffs. The muffs should be symmetrical and 4 to 8 inches long.

Body Type and Station : The body should be broad and massive. The waist should be long showing a well defined keel. The back should be broad with a slight hollow by the shoulders. The wings should be long and tightly held against the body. The flights should be neatly folded and show no signs of sails. The flights should stop at a point just before the end of the tail and they should never touch or cross. The Pomeranian should walk with an upright carriage and the angle of its station should be 60 to 80 degrees.

Colour : Pomeranian Pouters come in a wide assortment of colours. The colors are to be rich, clean, and lustrous. The colors are red, yellow, black, blue, silver, brown, khaki, various checks, and white self.

Markings : Pomeranians come in a wide variety of markings. The pied varieties are coloured with white markings as follows: half moon placed in the middle of the crop with both ends of the same size and length ending approximately ½ inch from the eyes. The flights, belly, legs, and muffs are to be white. All color stops to be clean and distinct. Self varieties to be colored
with no white plumage. Tail-marked to be pure white with a colored tail. There are two classes for splashes, light and dark. The light splashes are to have a white ground cover with color splashing and pure white muffs, flights, and tail. The dark splashes are just the opposite, with a dark ground cover and white splashing and solid colored boots, flights, and tail. Tigered or mottle varieties have solid colored flights, muffs, and tail but the effect on the body is one of having every other feather white

Pomeranian Pouter, Pommersche Kröpfer,Boulants de Poméranie,Gozzuto di Pomerania,Pommerse kropper, Fancy Pigeon breeds, 

Old Dutch Capuchine ( Altholländischer Kapuziner )

The primary purpose of any standard is to guide the breeder in his quest to produce uniform specimens that most nearly resemble the ideal. This standard should also be used to guide those persons chosen to judge our birds. This will bring about consistent evaluation of our breed which is our goal.

We hope to impress in the minds of all breeders of the Old Dutch Capuchine that our breed has many characteristics or traits which must be taken into consideration when judging or choosing breeding stock. We must look for balance in our birds and not overly emphasize any one area, but rather focus on a balanced bird regardless of personal preference.

Neck: Medium to long, showing fullness where it meets the breast. The longer neck exaggerates the shortness of the tail and serves to enhance the rosettes. Avoid short necks and those which are consistently held against the shoulders. When showing, the bird should reach its neck out to full length positioning it perpendicular to the ground.

Body: Wedge-shaped, breast full and wide between the shoulders. Wing butts should be hidden from the front view by breast feathers giving a wide-width look to the bird. Width should taper from the breast to the tail giving the wedge shape. The body should be firm and well-muscled.

Wings: Medium to short, in proportion, with the flights ½" shorter than the tail. Wings carried closed giving a tight-feathered look. Secondary flights should show good width of feather. Flights to be carried on top of the tail.

Tail: As short as possible, narrow, and well closed being carried parallel to the ground.

Legs: Medium in length, bright red in colour, and free from feather growth below the shanks. Toe nails to be light flesh coloured in all varieties. Legs should be straight and placed proportionally wide apart.

Carriage(10 pts.): The head is to be held high with the neck reaching upwards. The neck should be vertical, ie perpendicular to the ground. The tail should be parallel to the ground. From a profile view the neck and body should form an "L" shape. The legs should be straight. The entire carriage should reflect a proud, uplifted bird.

Head: Medium in length, with a well-rounded frontal and wide forehead. The forehead should rise in a smooth curve from the beak to the top skull.

Beak: Medium length with the upper mandible slightly curved at the tip. The beak is to be flesh to red coloured in all colourations.

Eyes: Lively expression. Iris to be white pearl to impure pearl. Although impure pearl eyes with a reddish tint are accepted, the preferred colour is the whitish pearl eye (fish eye). Cracked eyes are permitted in almonds only.

Hood : The hood should be broad and well rounded. It should be set as high as possible on the back skull, running from ear to ear, blending smoothly into the chain. When viewing the hood from the side, the eye must be clearly visible.

Chain : The chain runs in an unbroken line from the hood to the shoulders. It must not meet in the front but maintain a two-fingers’ width from the top to the bottom. As the hood curves downward on both sides of the head,the chain should blend in with the hood so as to be impossible to tell where the

hood ends and the chain begins. The chain should be fine-edged and well defined. The feathering should be moderate in length and not obstruct the profile view.

Rosette : On both sides of the neck is an oblong-shaped rosette. The rosette should blend into the profile and be filled in as full as possible. The rosette is not a line of parting feathers or a crease (ditch) but rather an elliptical (oblong) whorl of feathers similar to the rosette on a Jacobin. The rosettes are to be symmetrical (same on both sides) and placed as low as possible on the neck – just above the wing butts. The size should be approximately the size of a nickel.

Mane : The mane is to be fully feathered and form a smooth, continuous line from the top of the head to the back. Avoid any breaks in the smooth line and loose, bushy feathering.

Colour : Rich, even, and lustrous showing iridescence throughout. Accepted colours are to be shown in classes while unaccepted colours are to be grouped in the Any Other Colour (AOC) class. The exception is those colours which are the result of genetic projects. These will be grouped into the Any Rare Colour class (ARC). Groupings where only one or two specimens of the colour are present may be combined into one class at the discretion of the show secretary or club representative. In the unlikely event that a large number of a specific AOC colour is shown (ie 20 kites shown) these may be grouped separately of the AOC class at the discretion of the show secretary or club representative. Bars are to be grouped into one class.

Old Dutch Capuchine, Altholländischer Kapuziner,Capucin Hollandais,Vecchio cappuccino olandese,Oud-Hollandse kapucijn

Chinese Owl ( Chinesentaube )

Head : Arched from back of the beak, forming a smooth profile. Width equally proportioned. Should be bold in appearance.

Eye and Cere : Alert and clear. Bull in white; red or red-orange in coloured birds. Any colour in pied or ACO, except split, cracked or one of each colour not permissible. Eye cere fine and smooth, following the contour of the eye. Dark colour in black, blue, and checked. Light shade in other colours, but flesh in white.

Neck and Gullet: Neck short, rather thick at shoulder tapering to back of head, forming smooth profile. Gullet well developed, commencing at tip of the lower mandible and terminating at the top of the breast frill.

Beak : Dainty, yet large enough to distinguish it from the African Owl. Color for blacks, blues, and blue checkers is black; for silvers, silver duns, duns, and silver checks is light horn; for reds, yellows, and whites colour is flesh.

Wattle : Fine in texture, neat and heart-shaped.

Neck Frill : A smooth and even collar of reversed feathers fitting loosely in relation to the neck, breaking behind the head in a vertical line leaving no less than a quarter inch gap on the back of the head. Should be as high as the lower part of the eye cere.

Breast Frill : A profuse display of reversed feathers completely covering the breast. There should be a horizontal part in the centre of the breast, directing feathers up to the neck frill and down towards the pantaloons. Breast frill should cover fore-part of wing down to pantaloons, including the wing butts. Should be evenly proportioned on both sides.

Pantaloons : Two large distinct puffs of fine feathers protruding from the lower breast in front of the legs.

Carriage: Bold, alert, and upright, the eye is a perpendicular line above the toe of the foot; the breast thrown out prominently; balance in length, height, and width, with all these qualities giving the bird grace in composition, movement, and expression. Cocks should measure about ten inches from beak to tip of tail, eight inches from floor to crown of head. Cocks should weigh ten ounces. Hens should weigh eight ounces.

Flights and tails : Wing feathers should be smooth and the flights should be tight, resting on the tail, with tips nearly meeting. Secondary feathers are to be smooth over the back. The tail should be fairly narrow and carried just clear of the floor. More or less than twelve feathers, even though they have the two outside feathers, shall be penalized in points.

Legs and Feet : Legs short, but long enough to give grace to the carriage. Be free of feathers below the hock. Feet should be rather small and neat. Toes well spread apart. The colour bright red.

Colour : All colours should be sound, clear, and even, including rump, thigh, and belly.

Chinese Owl, Chinesentaube,Cravaté  Chinois,Cravattato Cinese,Chinese Duif

Nun Pigeon ( Englische Nonne )

Origin is Germany; certainly related to the Helmet and the Nun. Indications point to a common ancestry. Overall Impression not very big, but strong, graceful, and noble in appearance.

Head: Nicely rounded and smooth

Crest: The shell crest should wrap neatly around the back of the head from ear to ear. The crest should end with well developed rosettes.

Eyes: Pearl in colour. (Small blood veins are allowable in the iris).

Beak: Short to medium in length. In blacks and blues the beak should be dark; in reds and yellows the beak is pale red in colour.

Breast: Round, wide, and prominent.

Back: Wide and not too long; slightly sloping.

Wings: Lying flat, resting on the tail.

Tail: Fairly long and well closed. The tail should contain no less than 12 feathers.

Legs: Legs short and free from feathers below the hocks. Red in colour.

Feathers: Well developed, not too long.

Colours : Black, red, yellow, blue, and silver. All colours to be clear and intense

Markings: Head, flights, wing butts, and tail are coloured and the rest of the body is white. The head marking carries through to form a well rounded bib on the breast. Primary flights should number 7 X 7.

Brown Indigo cock Bird

Nun Pigeon, Englische Nonne,Coquille Hollandais,Conchiglia inglese,Nonduif, Fancy Pigeon breeds, 

Old German Cropper ( Altdeutsche Kröpfer )

This ancient breed originated in Germany and Hungary.A large breed; with a well developed globe; extremely long with its wings extending past the end of its tail; standing with the front part of its body semi erect and the rear part of the body close and parallel to the ground; the back line forms a gentle sloping arc.

Breed Characteristics

Head : Relatively long with a high forehead.

Eyes and Ceres : Orange eyes in all colors but white; white has bull eye; eye ceres fine.

Beak and Wattles : Long strong beak; relatively small smooth wattles.

Globe : Huge; evenly inflated; oval to round in shape, however the rounded shape is preferred; globe to come from the chest without showing waist.

Body Style and Station : The Old German stands with the front part of its body raised in a semi erect station, and the rear part of its body is carried close and parallel to the ground. The bird is to have a strong body, however, the illusion of great size is caused more by its profuse loose feathering than by actual body weight mass.

Back : Strong, wide, and long; the back line forms a gentle sloping arc.

Wings : Very long and extending past the tail; wings should rest on the tail; flight feathers should be well folded and closed and not show any "sail" like effect or finger like separations; flights must be held wide apart and never cross or touch at their ends.

Tail : Long and fairly wide without tapering.

Legs : Long, strong feathering; profuse; creating a neat appearance while not being too tight.

Feather and Quality : Long, strong feathering; profuse; creating a neat appearance while not being too tight.

Color : Self in white, black, red, yellow, mealy, cream, lark, blue and silver in bar, barless, and checkered; self colored also exists with white flights, which should number the same on both sides; splashed in light or dark pattern depending on the predominace of white or colored feathers; tiger must have solid colored primary flight feathers and a solid colored tail with white sprinkled on the rest of the body; dapple to have white feathers sprinkled only on the head and neck with the rest of the body colored. All colors should be rich, intense and clean.

Old German cropper, Altdeutsche Kröpfer,Boulant Allemand Ancien,Vecchio gozzuto tedesco,Oud-Duitse kropper

Old German Owl ( Altdeutsches Mövchen )

Origin: This breed, the Old German Owl, is the originator of the short faced German Shield Owls. The breed was again formally recognized in Germany in 1956, but the first official standard was not adopted in Europe until 1960. The Old German Owl Club adopted this standard in 1998, and it was subsequently adopted by the National Pigeon Association of America in 1999. No revisions have been made to date.

General Characteristics: Medium sized, compact, charming, gentle, active pigeon with a distinct owl character. The breed has a medium sized beak, nearly rounded head, and well developed frill. It is found in self, shield, and tail-marked varieties.

Head: Nearly round, broad, with a well arched forehead and a small full shell crest, closing with rosettes.

Eyes: Large, bright and lively bull eyes. Cere is light and delicate.

Beak: Medium length, broad, light flesh color, making an obtuse angle with the forehead. The wattle is small and undeveloped.

Neck: Short, stocky, held proudly, slanting slightly backwards and upright. The throat has a slight dewlap and a well developed frill.

Breast: Broad, well rounded and held forward prominently.

Back: Broad in the shoulders, becoming narrower toward the tail, and sloping downward.

Wings: Strong, lying close to the body, covering the back, and resting on the tail.

Tail: Held tightly together, as short as possible.

Legs: Short, shanks are scarcely visible. The feet and toes are never feathered.

Feathers: Well developed, lying tightly against the body.

Current Available Colors and Patterns: Blue, ash red, recessive red, brown, spread, checks, and bars in black, red, brown and white and dilutes of these base colors. Self white and red.

Colors and Markings: All colors are to be as smooth, clear, and saturated as possible. The body color is pure white. The shield marked variety ideally has 10 white flight feathers with colored thumb feathers. The tail marked variety is pure white except for the colored tail feathers which include a wedge-shaped portion of the back and body under the tail.

Old German Owl, Altdeutsches Mövchen, Cravaté Allemand ancien, Vecchio cravattato tedesco, Oud-Duitse Meeuw,