
Jambu Fruit Dove

Key Facts

Common Name
Jambu Fruit Dove
Scientific Name
Ptilinopus jambu
IUCN Red List category
Near Threatened
Columbidae (Doves and pigeons)
Country endemic
Range Description
Ptilinopus jambu is confined to the Sundaic lowlands, from peninsular Thailand,  Sabah, Sarawak and Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore (scarce and irregular non-breeding visitor), Kalimantan, Sumatra and West Java Indonesia and Brunei 
Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand

The Jambu fruit dove is a plump dove with a small head and a small yellow or orange beak. Its eyes are located on the sides of its head, colored red or brown. It is medium sized for a dove, about 9 inches long, and weighs about 1.5 ounces. Its wingspan is between 3 to 6 inches. Its feathers are downy soft and very colorful. The feathers come out easily, which makes them hard to catch.The male's face and forehead are crimson to pink. The upper part of their throat and chin are black. Their underparts are white with a pink breast patch. Their upper parts are a forest green. The outer parts of their tails are a darker green than the body, and the underside is a chestnut color.The feet of the Jambu fruit dove are a dark red. The female isn't as colorful. She is mostly a darkish green with a purple head, and a white to cream belly. The underside of her tail is a brown color.The dove mainly lives in the tropical rainforest high up to about 1,500 meters in the trees but the decreasing size of the rainforest due to city developments, the Jambu Fruit Dove is evaluated as near threatened amongst the many wild animals in the rainforest.

German Beauty Homer ( Deutsche Schautaube )

The German Beauty Homer was developed in the early 1900's by German fanciers who treasured their birds for physical beauty as opposed to strictly flying ability. A thin-necked, straight-legged bird of medium size and horizontal carriage, the German Beauty's most remarkable characteristic is its massive, almost semi-circular head with straight lower mandible of almost equal substance as the upper beak.

Standard View


Head:Broad above the eye, narrowing gradually wedge like toward the forehead and beak. In profile beak and forehead show a slightly convex line which without interruption passes into the arched head. The back of the head passes into the smooth round line toward the neck. The whole head should have no indication of weakness, or flatness; it should not have a thin face.

Beak: Medium long, harmoniously proportioned, full, blunt, with wedges closely fitting and whose backward extension should pass approximately through the middle of the eyes. Color: Black; however more or less horn colored on light colors and on pure reds; light on white; on splashes and tigered either light or dark according to the base color.

Wattle:Smooth in texture, firm and smoothly resting on the beak, not surpassing the curved line of the head; long, solid, continuous blossom white powdered line, slightly heart shaped and well and evenly divided.

Eye: Large, somewhat protruding, bright with dark red iris. Whites should have dark eyes, splashes and tigered according to the base color either dark or dark red eyes.

Cere: Small fine laced, light gray to "whitish" color.

Throat: Smoothly rounded out, with no suggestion of protruding gullet

Neck: Full set on broad shoulders, of medium length, tapering toward the end into a wedge like form. Powerful, racy and only slightly sloping..

Wings: Strong, the butts prominent, well closed with broad, hard flights, the back smoothly covered and giving the appearance of flight readiness.

Tail: Short and narrow, extending beyond the flights by the width of a thumb.

Legs: Strong, medium long, free from feathers. Half of the hocks should be visable. The feet should be red, toenails the same color as the beak.

Plumage: Well developed, smooth, tight, and hard.

Color & Markings: All colors should be clear, regular, and of good sheen. The ground color should cover the whole body. Checkers and T-patterns should not only show the markings on the wings but also on the back breast, and thighs. Bars should be small throughout, separated on the back and of intense color. Tigered marks either white on dark ground or dark on white ground, should be evenly distributed. Tail and flights must be colored. Splashes as well as tigered birds must have a relatively even color distribution. Birds with only a few white or colored feathers are not considered as tigered or splashes.

Gross Faults: All obvious faults which reduce the impression of a beautiful racing pigeon such as: coarse, rough face, alien head and beak type; all features which disturb the general characteristics of the German Beauty Homer as described above with regard to the following aspects: plumpness, length, heaviness, station, size of wattle and overall size of the bird as well as poor posture; narrow pointed chest;underweight, square head; gullet, open beak,; white, yellow, colorless or broken eyes; two eyes of a different color; red cere; frills or fluffiness; dewlap or paunch; visible white back.

Courtesy : 

Deutsche Schautaube,Pigeons de Beauté Allemand,Viaggiatore Tedesco da Esposizione,Duitse Schoonheidspostduif,الهومر الالماني

African Owl ( Einfarbiges Mövchen )

The African Owl is a breed of fancy pigeon developed over many years of selective breeding. They originated in Tunisia, and were imported into England during the 19th century. The breed is known for its short beak, which gives the breed the "Owl" name due to the size and shape..



Head – 20 Points: Proportionately large, massive, round in shape, side view circular with eye in the center. Front view presenting a high crown, circular from eye to eye, full between the eye and beak; cheeks well rounded, and full in appearance; wide in the gape or “frog-mouthed.”

Beak, Beak Setting And Beak Substance – 16 Points: Short and thick beak, the upper mandible continuing the circular sweep of the head, both side and front view; the upper and lower mandibles of equal substance, meeting and fitting in a straight line which continued backward should pass a little below the center of the eye; blunt at the tip. Color for Blacks and Blues, Black; for Duns, Silvers, Browns and Khakis, light horn color; for Reds, Yellows and Whites, flesh color. Beak wattles should be fine in texture, small in size and covered with a white powdery bloom; it should not rise out of the curve of the head, but form part of the curve. Viewed from the front, the wattles should be of a flattened heart shape.

Eye and Eye Cere – 10  Points : Eyes should be large, alert and bold; color for all colored birds, currant red; except Pieds which may be either bull or gravel; Whites, bull or claret; eye set in the center of the side of the head. Eye cere should be fine and neat in texture, circular in shape. Color for the Blacks and Blues, dark; all other colored birds of a lighter shade; Whites, powdered white in color. A red or pink eye cere is very objectionable.

Gullet – 4 Points : Wide from the side view, thin from front line, filling in the hollow space at the throat, starting near the tip of the lower mandible and terminating in the frill.

Neck – 4 Points : Rather short, thick at the shoulders and tapering gradually to its’ smallest diameter under the cheek or jowl; clean cut out at the throat, giving prominence to the gullet and cheeks; the back part joining the curve of the back skull in an unbroken, graceful curve.

Frill – 6 Points : As ample and well developed as possible, running well down the center of the breast.

Flights And Tail – 6 Points : Short and hard, folding compactly; flights resting on the tail, with tips nearly meeting. Tail carried just clear of the floor.

Legs And Feet – 4 Points : Legs strong and short, but long enough to give grace to the carriage, free from feathering below the hock. Feet rather small and neat; toes well spread apart, color bright red. Toenails on Blacks and Blues will be black. All others light.

Size And Shape – 10 Points : Size should be about eight inches from the front of the breast to tip of the tail and eight inches from floor to crown. Shape should be compact, giving the impression of hardness and vigor; breast short, full, broad and muscular, tapering to a wedge shape toward the tip of the tail; back short and slightly rounded from shoulder to shoulder.

Carriage – 10 Points : Bold, alert and upright; eye in a perpendicular line above the balls of the feet, the breast thrown out prominently, the neck slightly arched.

Color – 10 Points : All colors should be sound, clear and even, including rump, thigh and belly; the hackle luster should be green. Bars of Blues should be black; Silvers, dark dun or brown; Mealy, deep red; Cream, brilliant yellow. Lavenders should have no bars. Checks should show even and distinct checkering on the wings. 

Standard Colors : White, Black, Dun, Blue, Silver, Red, Yellow, Brown, Khaki, Check, Mealy, Lavender, Cream, Grizzle, Almond and Ash Red.

Disqualifications : 

No frill whatsoever, over-trimming, excessive plucking, coloring of feathers or toenails, or any artificial alteration of structural formation, out of condition from disease, and decided deformity. Trimming of beak and toenails with scissors and file is permissible and is not to be considered objectionable.

Pink headed Fruit Dove

Key Facts

Common Name
Pink headed Fruit Dove
Scientific Name
Ptilinopus porphyreus
IUCN Red List category
Least Concern
Columbidae (Doves and pigeons)
Country endemic
Range Description
The global population size has not been quantified, but the species is described as rather uncommon, although locally abundant in suitable habitat in Sumatra and uncommon in Java and Bali

Pink-headed Fruit-dove is a little-known, restricted-range species,endemic to the mountains of the Indonesian islands of Sumatra, Java and Bali.The fruit-dove appeared to be restricted to 12,000 square km of forest, scattered over 20 major mountain complexes on the three islands, i.e. three on Sumatra, 16 on Java and one on Bali. It occurred exclusively on mountains of 2,000 m in altitude, where, depending on the size of the mountain, it reached its lower altitudinal limit between 500 and 1,000 m. The species was found mostly in singles or as pairs but occasionally in flocks of up to 17 individuals. It occurred almost exclusively in forest, feeding on figs and small berries in the upper-canopy

Yellow footed Green Pigeon

The Yellow-footed Green Pigeon also known as Yellow-legged Green Pigeon is a common species of Green Pigeon found in the Indian Subcontinent. It is also the State bird of Maharashtra, India. In local language it is called Hariyal. The species feeds on fruits of a large variety of fruit trees including a number of species of Ficus.

Pheasant Pigeon

The Pheasant Pigeon is a large terrestrial pigeon found in the primary rain forests of New Guinea and nearby islands. It ranges primarily over hilly and lower mountain areas, but can also be found in lowlands.This species has a very large range, and its listed as least Concern on the IUCN red list

Pheasant Pigeon Song

Spot Winged Pigeon

The Spot-winged Pigeon is a species of bird in the Columbidae family. It is found in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Peru, and Uruguay.This species has an extremely large range and hence its listed on least Concern on the IUCN Red List

A thickset dark grey pigeon with a proportionately short tail and long wings.Above it has a greyish-mauve head with greyish-brown mantle scapulars and wing-coverts.The wings-coverts are all either edged or spotted creamy-white,while the outer wing-coverts are broadly edged white,giving the bird a wing-band in flight.The flight feathers are black with some inner secondaries edged whitish or grey.The underparts are greyish-mauve,grading to darker grey on the lower belly.At close range the iris is white,the bill black with a powdery white cere

Cinnamon Ground Dove

Cinnamon Ground Dove is a species of ground-dwelling Dove,They are mainly found in West Papua, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea .Closely related to the bleeding-heart super-species ,This species has a very large range, and hence listed as least Concern on the IUCN Red List

Yellow breasted Fruit Dove

The Yellow-breasted Fruit-dove is one of the five endemic fruit-doves found in the Philippines. It can be found allover the country except the Palawan region and inhabits forest and forest edge in lowland and montane forests usually taking advantage of fruiting trees. Locally called Punay, it is one of the most colorful fruit-doves in the Philippines.

European Turtle Dove

The Turtle Dove is the smallest representative of the Dove family in Europe. Its breeding area stretches from Europe to Asia and North Africa. The majority breeding in the EU are found in the Mediterranean countries. The European population is entirely migratory,wintering in Sahelien Africa from Senegal to Eritrea

Pale backed Pigeon

This species has declined rapidly in the past, probably as a result of changing agricultural practice and hunting in its wintering grounds, and possibly habitat loss in its breeding grounds, and this decline is projected to continue. These factors qualify it as Vulnerable in the IUCN red list

It breeds in southern Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan, north-east Iran and extreme north-west China. It winters in north-east Pakistan, Jammu and Kashmir and Jorbeer, Bikaner

White collared Pigeon

The species is endemic to the Ethiopian highlands in Eritrea and Ethiopia. It occupies countryside surrounding rocky cliffs and gorges

Speckled Pigeon

The Speckled Pigeon or African Rock Pigeon, is a pigeon that is a resident breeding bird in much of Africa south of the Sahara. It is a common and widespread species in open habitats over much of its range, although there are size able gaps in its distribution.This species builds a large stick nest in a tree and lays two white eggs. Its flight is quick, with regular beats and an occasional sharp flick of the wings that are characteristic of pigeons in general.

Snow Pigeon

The Snow Pigeon is distributed in the Himalayas from western Afghanistan through to central and southern China. It is found in colonies on rock cliffs and deep ravines at between 3,000 and 5,000 metres. In the winter they move to lower altitudes

Nicobar Pigeon

This species is classified as Near Threatened in the IUCN Red List as their numbers in the wild are on the decline. These birds are captured for food, pet trade and their gizzard stones which are used to make jewellery. Their distribution is also being affected by habitat loss as the islands which they inhabit are being cleared for plantations, and also being colonized by rats, cats and other alien predators.